An understanding of the principles and practices of clinical bioethics is essential to HPM Practice. Principles of clinical bioethics are incorporated into many of the activities of a hospice and palliative medicine physician including the roles of preventing and mediating conflict and distress over complex medical decisions (EPA 7), managing withdrawal of advanced life-sustaining therapies (EPA 8), and addressing requests for hastened death (EPA 10). Ethic principles and practices are incorporated broadly into the curricular didactics and experiential learning.

Ethics Cases
Optimum Use of Life-Sustaining Treatment
Physician Aid in Dying
Palliative Sedation
Experiential Learning
Inpatient consultation service (MGH, DFCI/BWH)
Outpatient clinic (MGH, DFCI)
Hospice rotation and GIP Hospice
Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care Monthly Clinical Case Conference
Communication Rounds (MGH)
Block Rounds (DFCI/BWH)
Psychiatric Supervision (MGH)